English Immersion Program


           Since 2006, in order to respond positively to the increasing number of candidates for the Youth Ambassadors Program, the US Embassy created the English Immersion USA Program. 
          Althought it doesn't happen in the US, the Program's schedule is full with interesting activities which will give the participants not only the oppotunity of an american cultural immersion, but the chance to improve their english and to get to know people from the most diverse places of Brazil at the same time that they learn more about the city where they stay during the course week. According to the organizadors' words, the EIP:

(...)It's an intensive one week course in July that offers to the semifinalists [almost 120 students] from the Youth Ambassador Program selective process, an english and north-american culture immersion. Public school students from various parts of Brazil are the participants of EIP (...)."

         These studants will get in touch with american themes such as US history, geography, culture and society, english language, conversation classes, tipically noth-american sports (beiseball, american football, etc.), cuisine and much more. 
        Moreover, once they come from diffent parts of Brazil, through formals an informals experiences exchanges they'll learn more about their own country. 
        In 2011, according with information, the EIP will happen on the following cities/institutions/dates:

- Brasília (Casa Thomas Jefferson) – 3th to 8th July 
- Londrina (Instituto Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos-ICBEU) –3th to 8th July
- São Paulo (Associação Alumni) – 3th to 8th July
- Belém (Centro Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos-CCBEU) – 10th to 15th July
- Recife (Associação Brasil-América) – 10th to 15th July 

        As a Rio Grande do Norte semifinalist, brazilian northeast region, I'm among the students who will participate of the EIP-Recife(PE) activities, at ABA (Associação Brasil América - Brasil America Association) and I'll post here everything that happens since the very beginning, from the travel preparation until the Program very last minute. =)

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